
  • Weds Apr 2 - Dao & alicia ep release show!

    Join us at this EP release show, with readings, celebrating Alicia & Dao’s new ambient-country duo EP “Wild Nights”!

    At Turn! Turn! Turn!
    8 NE Killingsworth St, Portland OR 97211
    evening show, 7:30 pm

    Join us for for this community-building night with music from Dao Strom & Alicia Jo Rabins, celebrating their new country-ambient EP, as well as poetry readings by women/non-binary poets & writers of PDX: Danielle Frandina, Sara Jaffe, Emily Kendal Frey, Jennifer Perrine & Chrys Tobey.
    All proceeds will be donated to Pueblo Unido PDX, sliding scale $10-20, no one turned away for lack of funds. 21+.

  • *******PAST EVENTS******

  • sat march 8 - "among women" interdisciplinary concert

    Alicia reads poetry as part of this wide-ranging concert by women artists of Portland! (more details below)
    4 pm, The Old Madeleine Church
    3123 NE 24th Ave
    Portland, OR, free!

    Event description by women’s vocal ensemble, In Mulieribus:

    “Pay tribute to bold and visionary women artists past and present, who inspire and guide us to change the world every day. Experience musical performances by In Mulieribus, Naomi Littlebear Morena, Izetta Smith, LaRhonda Steele, and Flamencas Silvestres, poetry by Alicia Jo Rabins, and visual art by Deb Stoner, Rita Robillard, and Junko Iijima. You’ll also enjoy a participatory pop-up tribute quilt, activist info tables, and delectable desserts and libations. RSVPs are requested. A day of collective activism for women’s equality around the world. This FREE community event will celebrate women past and present, bold and visionary, brave and kind; women who inspire and guide us, challenge traditions, lead the way, and walk beside us. Featuring music by IM, stories, and delectable desserts.”

  • Thurs feb 20 - nyc - film screening

    Girls in Trouble: The Series, “Episode 1—Vashti” screens at the Winter Film Festival film festival. Alicia & her team will be present!
    Thursday Feb 20, 6:00 PM-8:45 PM – Evening Shorts Program + Q&A
    @ LOOK Cinemas Theater 4, 657 W 57th St, New York NY 10019

    Tix $12, open to all (shorts are un-rated & not necessarily appropriate for all ages)

  • Sunday, feb 9 - portland or - chatter series

    10:30-11:30 am @ the Pacific Center, 851 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204

    Alicia reads poetry, followed by a classical music performance from the artists below
    as part of the wonderful CHATTER PDX poetry-and-classical-music series.

    W.A.Mozart Flute Quartet in D Major, K. 285; Ken Benshoof In Shadow, Light
    performed by
    Zach Galatis flute/piccolo; Emily Cole violin; Amanda Grimm viola; Kevin Kunkel cello
    $20 adults/$10 students/$5 children

  • SUN Nov 24 - BALTIMORE

    Girls in Trouble (songs & storytelling about Biblical women by AJR)
    @ Third Space, 2001 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore MD

    3-5 pm, all ages

    Alicia plays a 45 minute Girls in Trouble solo set with storytelling about women in Torah - followed by a conversation with Rabbi Jessy Dressin!

    Tickets are variably priced: $18 standard, $36 “pay it forward”; some free tickets are available for those for whom cost is a barrier


    @ The Shtiebel, South Philly, 8 pm
    1311 S Juniper St 19147

    8 pm, all ages (geared towards teens/adults; kids are welcome but it will be a listening room)
    suggested donation at the door, no one turned away for lack of funds!

    Come celebrate the publication of Eden Pearlstein’s debut book of poetry, “Nothing is for Everyone.” Featuring a reading by Eden + poetry, music and feminist midrash by Alicia Jo Rabins / Girls in Trouble, and conversation about spirituality, art, mysticism and text between Eden & Alicia

  • thurs Nov 21 - Greenfield MA (Western Ma)

    A Girls in Trouble solo concert

    @ Temple Israel in Greenfield (Northampton area) on Thurs Nov 21!

    7 pm, open to all, details coming soon (if it’s not yet listed on Temple Israel’s website, it will be soon!)

  • SUN NOV 17 - manhattan

    GIRLS IN TROUBLE full band concert with storytelling, 4-5 pm at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave at, W 76th St, New York, NY 10023

    [Limmud is is a full day of Jewish learning and arts from 10-5; tickets cover the whole day. Alicia's Girls in Trouble performance is at 4 pm in the Theater.]

    Girls in Trouble full band concert!
    Internationally touring musician and poet (and dedicated Jewish educator) Alicia Jo Rabins brings ancient legends of Biblical women to life with her critically-acclaimed musical midrash and storytelling project, Girls in Trouble. Her three albums weave music and poetry into beautiful, haunting melodies; with her violin, loop pedal and guitar, she captivates audiences with songs ranging from orchestral strings to bluegrass-inflected ballads. Come encounter the women of Torah as you’ve never heard them before!


    ALICIA JO RABINS + PREDATOR PREY + STEVE SILVERSTEIN @ Young Ethel’s, 506 5th Ave @ 13th St, Park Slope, Brooklyn

    Three independent artists/bands, one free afternoon show in South Park Slope. ALL AGES! (previously listed incorrectly as 21+)

    Show is 3-6; AJR plays at 5 pm, free/tip jar.
    This is a full band show featuring Girls in Trouble songs, covers, fiddle tunes and new originals - with David Freeman on drums, Taylor Bergren-Chrisman on bass and Dan Saks on guitar!

  • Alicia jo rabins / rachel brashear @ alberta St Pub

    SAT OCT 5, 5-7 pm, $12 or so
    An all ages early show!

    one set by Alicia (fiddle tunes & songs)
    & one by Rachel & her band (to celebrate her forthcoming album release)
    @ Alberta Street Pub,
    1036 NE Alberta Street, Portland, Oregon 97211

  • Alicia & DAO debut show at the hoyt arboretum

    Hoyt Arboretum, Portland

    A free, outdoor, intimate duo show at the beautiful Hoyt Arboretum, featuring Alicia's new duo with poet-musician Dao Strom.
    Alicia & Dao have been quietly collaborating for the past couple years on a mix of country music covers, originals,
    ambient tracks, and poetry set to music.
    This is their first public show as a duo, curated by Julian Saporiti (No No Boy) who will also play a few songs!
    1/4 mile easy hike to the Redwood Stage at the Hoyt Arboretum.
    Music begins at 6:30, come a bit early, bring a camping seat or blanket +
    picnic dinner and drinks if you'd like!
    Free and open to all.

  • WORD & SONG: Alicia JO RABINS + Dao Strom + Lindsay Clark

    A performance by three Portland writer-musicians
    at Megalith PDX
    2730-32 Martin Luther King Blvd
    Portland OR 97212

    Doors at 7 pm, $10-20 sliding scale

  • AJR + camas choir in NYC - Museum of Jewish heritage - Thurs may 23

    Thursday, May 23, 2024

    At the Museum of Jewish Heritage, Lower Manhattan

    Don’t miss this very special, one-time only East Coast performance: Alicia’s new choral arrangement of Girls in Trouble songs (plus brand new material) with the Camas High School Choir (WA), under the direction of Ethan Chessin. Alicia will perform along with the choir, a live rock band and a string trio in this epic event that has been years in the making. Join us for this one-night-only concert, NYC!

  • AJR + the camas high school choir - Rev Hall, pdx - Thurs april 11

    Thursday April 11, 2024 · 7:30 pm

    Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St #203, Portland, OR 97214

    This very special, one-time only performance is a choral arrangement of Girls in Trouble songs (plus brand new material) with the 125-person Camas High School Choir, under the direction of Ethan Chessin, plus a live band and string trio! Alicia will perform along with the choir. This is an epic event that has been years in the making. Join us!

  • Girls in Trouble TV: Vashti episode launch online!

    Tuesday March 12, 2024

    Girls in Trouble TV’s first eposide, Vashti, will launch online on this day! Link to free streaming below!

    This 15-minute episode about Purim’s beloved antihero, Queen Vashti, features storytelling by Alicia, an interview with and live performance by Galeet Dardashti, and illustration by Jessica Tamar Deutsch! GIT_TV is created by Alicia Jo Rabins & director Alicia J. Rose, produced by Lara Cuddy (the team behind A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff.)

  • Poetry Reading - PDX - Saturday March 9

    Saturday, March 9th, 2024 · 6:30 PM - 8:05 PM

    Bishop & Wilde, 2601 NW Thurman St., Portland, OR

    Alicia Jo Rabins and Lisa Wells will read poetry in celebration of Jay Aquinas Thompson's new book The Resurrection Appearances.

  • Songs of Toratah - Central Synagogue, NYC - Thursday Feb 29

    Thursday, February 29th, 2024 · 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

    Central Synagogue, 652 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022

    Alicia performs an original song as part of this group concert marking the album release of Zimratah: Songs of Toratah – a collection of songs that celebrate a revolutionary, gender-reversing rewrite of the Hebrew Bible. Free and open to all.

  • Live in Concert: Alicia Jo Rabins - St. Louis - Sunday February 11

    Sunday, February 11th, 2024 · Doors at 2:30 PM, Show at 3:00 PM

    St. Louis Jewish Community Center (SFC Campus) - Arts and Education Building, 2 Millstone Campus Drive

    Alicia is in residence February 9th-11th and will also be leading creative text study sessions at Shaare Emeth, Kol Rina, and the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion; all events are free and open to the public. Follow this link for all events:


    Tuesday, December 12th · 7:00 PM-8:30 PM

    Leikam Brewing, 5812 East Burnside, Portland Oregon 97215

    Join Alicia Jo Rabins and Aaron Hartman for a special GIT duo mini-concert at L’Chaim by Leikam Brewing, featuring the story of Judith (an ancient heroine whose story is associated with Chanukah). Free and open to all, come order a drink or some food and celebrate Chanukah with us!

  • Alicia Jo Rabins Klezmer Ensemble

    Sunday, December 10th · 5:00 PM-8:00 PM (note this is background music, not a show per se! we’ll be playing two informal sets during the party).

    Sweet Lorraine’s, 61 SE Yamhill, PDX (inside Labyrinth Forge Brewery)

    Sweet Lorraine’s serves “The best latkes in the US!” according to the Nosher! Come celebrate at their first Chanukah party, free and open to all, all ages welcome. Food and drinks available for purchase, latkes will be made until they run out so don’t come too hungry on the later end!!

  • Portland Book Festival

    Saturday, November 4th · 1:30 PM

    Winningstad Theatre at Portland’5, McMenamins Stage

    Alicia moderates a conversation between two poet-memoirists, Jane Wong and Safiya Sinclair, at the Portland Book Festival. This is a one-day festival full of literary events; don’t miss it!

  • October 20-25, Boston MA

    Alicia will be musician-in-residence at the JCC! Concerts and workshops throughout the week, including a text study session at Lehrhaus on Tuesday Oct 24.

  • Sunday Sept 10, olympia wa - A KADDISH FOR BERNIE MADOFF

    We are excited to screen A KADDISH FOR BERNIE MADOFF at the historic Capitol Theatre in Olympia, WA. Hosted by Olympia Film Society and Congregation Beth HaTefiloh. Stay for a live Q&A/talkback after the screening with Rabbi Seth Goldstein (the one who makes those amazing TikToks) and Alicia Jo Rabins, Alicia J. Rose and Lara Cuddy!
    7 pm screening (6 pm doors open), $12 GA, $9 OFS members.

  • Girls in Trouble Theatrical Show – Partially Staged Performances!

    June 17 + 18, 2023

    Can a modern woman find herself in an ancient story?

    An 80-minute music-theater adaptation of Alicia’s Girls in Trouble song cycle about Biblical women, in its second year of development, directed by Nessa Norich and performed by Alicia with actors and a live band! Two full-length, partially staged performances will take place in Portland on the evening of Sat June 17, and Sun June 18.

  • Sunday, feb 9 - portland or - chatter series

    10:30-11:30 @ the Pacific Center, 851 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204

    Alicia reads poetry along with a classical music performance by the artists below
    as part of the wonderful CHATTER poetry-and-music series!

    W.A.Mozart Flute Quartet in D Major, K. 285; KenBenshoof In Shadow, Light
    performed by
    Zach Galatis flute/piccolo; Emily Cole violin; Amanda Grimm viola; Kevin Kunkel cello
    $20 adults/$10 students/$5 children

  • Thursday feb 20, NYC

    Girls in Trouble: The Series—Episode 1: Vashti screens in NYC as part of the Winter Film Festival!

    Thursday Feb 20, 6:00 PM-8:45 PM – Evening Shorts Program + Q&A
    LOOK Cinemas Theater 4, 657 W 57th St, New York NY 10019

    Tickets are $12.50/In Advance, $16.50/Door, $5/Door with Student ID. Alicia & team will be present! More info here

  • *******PAST EVENTS******

  • SUN Nov 24 - BALTIMORE

    Girls in Trouble (songs & storytelling about Biblical women by AJR)
    @ Third Space, 2001 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore MD

    3-5 pm, all ages

    Alicia plays a 45 minute Girls in Trouble solo set with storytelling about women in Torah - followed by a conversation with Rabbi Jessy Dressin!

    Tickets are variably priced: $18 standard, $36 “pay it forward”; some free tickets are available for those for whom cost is a barrier


    @ The Shtiebel, South Philly, 8 pm
    1311 S Juniper St 19147

    8 pm, all ages (geared towards teens/adults; kids are welcome but it will be a listening room)
    suggested donation at the door, no one turned away for lack of funds!

    Come celebrate the publication of Eden Pearlstein’s debut book of poetry, “Nothing is for Everyone.” Featuring a reading by Eden + poetry, music and feminist midrash by Alicia Jo Rabins / Girls in Trouble, and conversation about spirituality, art, mysticism and text between Eden & Alicia

  • thurs Nov 21 - Greenfield MA (Western Ma)

    A Girls in Trouble solo concert

    @ Temple Israel in Greenfield (Northampton area) on Thurs Nov 21!

    7 pm, open to all, details coming soon (if it’s not yet listed on Temple Israel’s website, it will be soon!)

  • SUN NOV 17 - manhattan

    GIRLS IN TROUBLE full band concert with storytelling, 4-5 pm at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, 334 Amsterdam Ave at, W 76th St, New York, NY 10023

    [Limmud is is a full day of Jewish learning and arts from 10-5; tickets cover the whole day. Alicia's Girls in Trouble performance is at 4 pm in the Theater.]

    Girls in Trouble full band concert!
    Internationally touring musician and poet (and dedicated Jewish educator) Alicia Jo Rabins brings ancient legends of Biblical women to life with her critically-acclaimed musical midrash and storytelling project, Girls in Trouble. Her three albums weave music and poetry into beautiful, haunting melodies; with her violin, loop pedal and guitar, she captivates audiences with songs ranging from orchestral strings to bluegrass-inflected ballads. Come encounter the women of Torah as you’ve never heard them before!


    ALICIA JO RABINS + PREDATOR PREY + STEVE SILVERSTEIN @ Young Ethel’s, 506 5th Ave @ 13th St, Park Slope, Brooklyn

    Three independent artists/bands, one free afternoon show in South Park Slope. ALL AGES! (previously listed incorrectly as 21+)

    Show is 3-6; AJR plays at 5 pm, free/tip jar.
    This is a full band show featuring Girls in Trouble songs, covers, fiddle tunes and new originals - with David Freeman on drums, Taylor Bergren-Chrisman on bass and Dan Saks on guitar!

  • Alicia jo rabins / rachel brashear @ alberta St Pub

    SAT OCT 5, 5-7 pm, $12 or so
    An all ages early show!

    one set by Alicia (fiddle tunes & songs)
    & one by Rachel & her band (to celebrate her forthcoming album release)
    @ Alberta Street Pub,
    1036 NE Alberta Street, Portland, Oregon 97211

  • Alicia & DAO debut show at the hoyt arboretum

    Hoyt Arboretum, Portland

    A free, outdoor, intimate duo show at the beautiful Hoyt Arboretum, featuring Alicia's new duo with poet-musician Dao Strom.
    Alicia & Dao have been quietly collaborating for the past couple years on a mix of country music covers, originals,
    ambient tracks, and poetry set to music.
    This is their first public show as a duo, curated by Julian Saporiti (No No Boy) who will also play a few songs!
    1/4 mile easy hike to the Redwood Stage at the Hoyt Arboretum.
    Music begins at 6:30, come a bit early, bring a camping seat or blanket +
    picnic dinner and drinks if you'd like!
    Free and open to all.

  • WORD & SONG: Alicia JO RABINS + Dao Strom + Lindsay Clark

    A performance by three Portland writer-musicians
    at Megalith PDX
    2730-32 Martin Luther King Blvd
    Portland OR 97212

    Doors at 7 pm, $10-20 sliding scale

  • AJR + camas choir in NYC - Museum of Jewish heritage - Thurs may 23

    Thursday, May 23, 2024

    At the Museum of Jewish Heritage, Lower Manhattan

    Don’t miss this very special, one-time only East Coast performance: Alicia’s new choral arrangement of Girls in Trouble songs (plus brand new material) with the Camas High School Choir (WA), under the direction of Ethan Chessin. Alicia will perform along with the choir, a live rock band and a string trio in this epic event that has been years in the making. Join us for this one-night-only concert, NYC!

  • AJR + the camas high school choir - Rev Hall, pdx - Thurs april 11

    Thursday April 11, 2024 · 7:30 pm

    Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St #203, Portland, OR 97214

    This very special, one-time only performance is a choral arrangement of Girls in Trouble songs (plus brand new material) with the 125-person Camas High School Choir, under the direction of Ethan Chessin, plus a live band and string trio! Alicia will perform along with the choir. This is an epic event that has been years in the making. Join us!

  • Girls in Trouble TV: Vashti episode launch online!

    Tuesday March 12, 2024

    Girls in Trouble TV’s first eposide, Vashti, will launch online on this day! Link to free streaming below!

    This 15-minute episode about Purim’s beloved antihero, Queen Vashti, features storytelling by Alicia, an interview with and live performance by Galeet Dardashti, and illustration by Jessica Tamar Deutsch! GIT_TV is created by Alicia Jo Rabins & director Alicia J. Rose, produced by Lara Cuddy (the team behind A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff.)

  • Poetry Reading - PDX - Saturday March 9

    Saturday, March 9th, 2024 · 6:30 PM - 8:05 PM

    Bishop & Wilde, 2601 NW Thurman St., Portland, OR

    Alicia Jo Rabins and Lisa Wells will read poetry in celebration of Jay Aquinas Thompson's new book The Resurrection Appearances.

  • Songs of Toratah - Central Synagogue, NYC - Thursday Feb 29

    Thursday, February 29th, 2024 · 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

    Central Synagogue, 652 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022

    Alicia performs an original song as part of this group concert marking the album release of Zimratah: Songs of Toratah – a collection of songs that celebrate a revolutionary, gender-reversing rewrite of the Hebrew Bible. Free and open to all.

  • Live in Concert: Alicia Jo Rabins - St. Louis - Sunday February 11

    Sunday, February 11th, 2024 · Doors at 2:30 PM, Show at 3:00 PM

    St. Louis Jewish Community Center (SFC Campus) - Arts and Education Building, 2 Millstone Campus Drive

    Alicia is in residence February 9th-11th and will also be leading creative text study sessions at Shaare Emeth, Kol Rina, and the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion; all events are free and open to the public. Follow this link for all events:


    Tuesday, December 12th · 7:00 PM-8:30 PM

    Leikam Brewing, 5812 East Burnside, Portland Oregon 97215

    Join Alicia Jo Rabins and Aaron Hartman for a special GIT duo mini-concert at L’Chaim by Leikam Brewing, featuring the story of Judith (an ancient heroine whose story is associated with Chanukah). Free and open to all, come order a drink or some food and celebrate Chanukah with us!

  • Alicia Jo Rabins Klezmer Ensemble

    Sunday, December 10th · 5:00 PM-8:00 PM (note this is background music, not a show per se! we’ll be playing two informal sets during the party).

    Sweet Lorraine’s, 61 SE Yamhill, PDX (inside Labyrinth Forge Brewery)

    Sweet Lorraine’s serves “The best latkes in the US!” according to the Nosher! Come celebrate at their first Chanukah party, free and open to all, all ages welcome. Food and drinks available for purchase, latkes will be made until they run out so don’t come too hungry on the later end!!

  • Portland Book Festival

    Saturday, November 4th · 1:30 PM

    Winningstad Theatre at Portland’5, McMenamins Stage

    Alicia moderates a conversation between two poet-memoirists, Jane Wong and Safiya Sinclair, at the Portland Book Festival. This is a one-day festival full of literary events; don’t miss it!

  • October 20-25, Boston MA

    Alicia will be musician-in-residence at the JCC! Concerts and workshops throughout the week, including a text study session at Lehrhaus on Tuesday Oct 24.

  • Sunday Sept 10, olympia wa - A KADDISH FOR BERNIE MADOFF

    We are excited to screen A KADDISH FOR BERNIE MADOFF at the historic Capitol Theatre in Olympia, WA. Hosted by Olympia Film Society and Congregation Beth HaTefiloh. Stay for a live Q&A/talkback after the screening with Rabbi Seth Goldstein (the one who makes those amazing TikToks) and Alicia Jo Rabins, Alicia J. Rose and Lara Cuddy!
    7 pm screening (6 pm doors open), $12 GA, $9 OFS members.

  • Girls in Trouble Theatrical Show – Partially Staged Performances!

    June 17 + 18, 2023

    Can a modern woman find herself in an ancient story?

    An 80-minute music-theater adaptation of Alicia’s Girls in Trouble song cycle about Biblical women, in its second year of development, directed by Nessa Norich and performed by Alicia with actors and a live band! Two full-length, partially staged performances will take place in Portland on the evening of Sat June 17, and Sun June 18.

  • How Grandparents Can Navigate Family Relationships with the Help of Jewish Tools

    April 18, 2023 · 7 pm ET/4 pm PT

    free and open to the public on Zoom.

    A free hour-long webinar hosted by Jewish Grandparents Network, led by Alicia, drawing on concepts from her most recent book, Even God Had Bad Parenting Days.

  • Alicia in Seattle!

    March 8-11, 2023

    The annual writers conference, AWP, is in Seattle this year. The panel on Friday is only open to attendees, but the other off-site events are free and open to the public!

  • Contemporary Jewish Poets: A Reading Sponsored by Ayin Press & Yetzirah

    March 9, 2023 · 7-8:30 pm

    Temple De Hirsch Sinai (or virtually!)

    A reading with Dan Alter, Lauren Camp, Chanda Feldman, Erika Meitner, Alicia Ostriker, Eden Pearlstein, and Alicia Jo Rabins.

  • PANEL: Stand (or Sit) and Deliver: Inviting Audiences into Poetry through Performance

    March 10, 2023 · 12:10-1:25 pm

    Room 335-336, Summit Building

    Convention Center Level 3 (conference badge required to attend)

  • A Very Important Karaoke Party

    March 10, 2023· 9-11 pm

    Hugo House

    “Don’t miss A Very Important Karaoke Party, the living musical lit mag, a collaboration between songwriters and audience singers for a night of belting parody songs about being a writer. We’ll commiserate, celebrate, and sing to works by an incredible list of writers”…including Alicia’s collaboration with Vanessa Hua, a parody of Meghan Trainor’s “I Made You Look.”

    Sliding scale $0-25, register here, seating is limited

  • Portland: A Special Poetry reading with Alicia, Gerald Fleming, Joanna Fuhrman & Rodney Koeneke

    March 12, 2023 · 7pm

    The Stacks, 1831 N Killingsworth

    free and open to all!

  • A reading with Dan Alter, Lauren Camp, Chanda Feldman, Erika Meitner, Alicia Ostriker, Eden Pearlstein, and Alicia Jo Rabins.

    March 9, 2023 · 7-8:30 pm

    Temple De Hirsch Sinai (or virtually!)

  • Los Angeles Theatrical Premiere of A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff

    February 2, 2023 · 7 pm

    Laemmle Royal · 11523 Santa Monica Blvd

    Also featuring the Los Angeles premiere of Nessa Norich’s short film Jelly Bean!

    Alicia & creative team will be in attendance for a live Q&A.

  • Seattle theatrical premiere of A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff

    January 25, 2023 · 7:30 pm

    NW Film Forum

    Alicia & creative team will be in attendance for a live Q&A, moderated by Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum.

  • Portland book launch reading: celebrating Alicia’s new book Even God Had Bad Parenting Days & poet Liz Harlan-Ferlo’s new book “Incarnation, Again”

    December 8, 2022 · 7 pm

    The Stacks Coffeehouse, 1831 N Killingsworth

    Discounted books will be available for sale!

    Free and open to the public – come have some coffee or tea and support local writers & this local book-themed cafe!

  • A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff Canadian Premiere @ Victoria International Jewish Film Festival

    November 3, 2022

    Vic Theatre, Victoria BC

    with a solo set by Alicia/Girls in Trouble before the film and a live Q&A with Alicia & director Alicia J. Rose after

  • Portland Book Festival (Alicia moderates a panel featuring novelist Emiko Jean & poet Matthew Dickman)

    November 5, 2022

    Presented by Literary Arts, all-day tickets $15

  • A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff screening

    November 10, 2022

    Portland’s MJCC

    6 pm: “heavy hors d’oeuvres” & songs by Alicia Jo Rabins/Girls in Trouble

    6:45 pm: film screening followed by Q&A with Alicia Jo Rabins, director Alicia J. Rose & producer Lara Cuddy

  • Psalms In Search of Home: Three Poets (Dan Alter, Daniela Molnar, Alicia Jo Rabins)

    November 12, 2022 · 7 pm

    Soma Space · 4050 NE Broadway, PDX

    free! presented by Co/Lab

  • Four poets (including Alicia)

    April 21, 2022

    Mother Foucault’s Bookstore

    Supporting Julia Guez, NY-based touring poet

  • A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff NYC in-person premiere at Lincoln Center!

    January 17, 2022

    We are thrilled to premiere at Lincoln Center’s Walter Reade Theater through the New York Jewish Film Festival.

    Two in-person screenings: 1 pm & 7 pm. The filmmaking team will be present for live Q&A’s at both screenings.

    Mask + vax required for everyone’s safety.

  • An evening with Alicia Jo Rabins & friends

    December 22, 2021 · 6:30 pm

    MJCC, Portland OR

    Alicia will perform songs from her Girls in Trouble song cycle; screen a concept trailer for a Girls in Trouble indie TV adaptation currently in development; and screen excerpts from A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff. Film director Alicia J. Rose and producer Lara Cuddy, collaborators on the TV and film projects, will be present for a Q&A alongside Alicia.

  • A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff EUROPEAN PREMIERE!!!!

    November 21, 2021

    Black Nights Film Festival, Tallinn, Estonia

    Along with director Alicia J. Rose, Alicia will travel to Estonia for the European premiere of their film A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff at this prestigious festival!

  • Solo Girls in Trouble concert live in London!

    November 18, 2021


    (Also viewable online)

    A rare in-person appearance in London! Tickets are £15 in the building, free online.

  • Alicia performs and teaches @ Faith in Arts Institute, hosted by UNC-Asheville and Black Mountain College

    October 13-16, 2021

    Alicia will perform music & poetry and teach a midrash workshop in-person in Asheville, as well as screening A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff.

    A limited number of tickets are available to attend the conference, either in person or (if you prefer) virtually.

    More information here

  • Solo Girls in Trouble show, streaming

    October 7, 2021 · 7:30-9 pm ET/4:30-5 pm PT

    – hosted by Fairfield University

    Open to all, hosted by Fairfield University for Daniel Pearl World Music Day

  • A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff @ Port Townsend Film Festival

    September 23-Octpber 3, 2021

    Streaming available to anyone living in Oregon or Washington state

    Includes a virtual Q&A with the filmmaking team

  • Returning to Nourishment: Preparing for Yom Kippur through Song, Poetry and Ritual

    September 16, 2021

    An hour-long free virtual session co-led by Alicia Jo Rabins and Sonya Sanford

    Hosted by the Oshman Family JCC in San Francisco, open to all

  • A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff @ San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

    July 24, 2021 · 5 pm

    In-person Premiere Screening @ the historic Castro Theatre!

    Includes a live Q&A with the filmmaking team

  • Stream A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff on demand from anywhere in the US thru SFJFF

    July 22-August 1, 2021


  • JxJ (Washington DC Jewish Film Festival)

    May 23-30, 2021

    Stream A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff on demand from anywhere in the US!

    Free Q&A included (plays after the film)

  • The Jewish holiday of Shavuot: THREE free, online appearances, open to all!

    May 16, 2021

    4-5:30 Pacific/7-8:30 ET: Ritual/teaching session w/Sonya Sanford via Moishe House PDX (free)

    7-8 Pacific/10-11 ET: Mystical Late-Night Poems of Revelation w/Jake Marmer via JewishLive (free)

    Time tbd: Labne Cheesecake & Looping Pedals w/Sonya Sanford via Reboot (free, register here)


    April 30-May 9, 2021

    Virtual and in-person festival screenings of A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff!!!

    Only $15/8, stream from anywhere in the US during these dates,

    with live showings in Sarasota @ CMX CineBistro Siesta Key 5/2 and 5/6.


    April 24-25, 2021

    Virtual festival screening of A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff!!!

  • US Festival Premiere of A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff!!!

    March 5-14, 2021


    US Festival Premiere of A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff!!!

    Ticket purchase includes participation in two Q&A’s:

    Saturday March 6, 8:30 pm PT: Jewish community Q&A (all are welcome!) hosted by Havurah Shalom of Portland OR / register here

    Saturday March 13, 7:30 pm PT: General public Q&A moderated by Tim Williams of Oregon Film / register here

  • Unbound Book Festival

    February 11, 2021 · 5 pm PT/8 pm ET

    Poetry & Prayer Panel w/poets Jericho Brown & Molly McCully Brown

    (Based in Columbia MO, happening on Zoom, accessible everywhere!)

  • Vashti Refuses to Dress Up: A Feminist Exploration of Purim

    February 21, 2021 · 1-2 pm PT/4-5 pm ET

    AJR and chef Sonya Sanford will explore the Jewish festival of Purim through feminist text study, song and a cooking demo – hosted by Moishe House PDX.